“I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.” Ephesians 1:18
So Paul continues his prayer for the Ephesian church. He had started this prayer in verse 16 where he identified the church as people who had strong faith in God and love for people everywhere. So, he prayed that God would “give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.”
In today’s verses, he goes on to pray that “your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called…” So let’s look at this!
What does a heart flooded with light look like? We’ll I’d say it’s a heart filled with Jesus! In John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow Me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the Light that leads to life.” That’s awesome! The very Presence of Jesus LIGHTS one’s life and DRIVES AWAY THE DARKNESS! What’s more, Jesus, God’s Light, LEADS TO LIFE- this would be ETERNAL LIFE!
So Jesus enters the scene of our heart, bring in Light and driving out darkness for this purpose: “so that you can understand the confident hope He has given to those He called”. So how confident is your hope? Hope here isn’t referring to a shaky expectation that God might come through-no, it’s the confident expectation that because He is God, IT’S IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO FAIL! This hope is given to all whom God has called, and who might this be? Well, he answers in this same verse: “His holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance”. Guys, that’s US! That’s the Church-us, the Bride of Christ! We are holy (set apart to/for) to Him. We are His INHERITANCE, and He, our’s.
In Jesus is everything we’ve ever wanted, everything we’ve needed, every Provision for eternal life, abundant life and everything necessary to live a Godly life her on earth, as well as in Heaven. Jesus is literally EVERYTHING we’ll ever need for all eternity for everything we need is provided thru and by Him! (I Peter 1:3)
So, how’s your hope today? Better said, Who is your Hope today?
Give your all to Jesus today!
Find your All in Jesus today!
Think about it!
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