“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He rescued them from their distress.” Psalms 107:6
In numerous life situations and under numerous life circumstances, we often find ourselves as humans, in a place where we need to call to or literally cry out to God our Maker. I get tickled at many self- proclaimed atheists who either plead with God for help or blame God for His seeming indifference when they get into a tough spot in life. The truth of the matter is that just as a baby will cry for his parents to meet his needs, its a very natural thing for us as humans to look to the heavens for help during a crisis.
Psalm 107 is a 4 verse song about 4 situations where people who were in different situations, cried out to God for help and were rescued by a loving and caring Heavenly Fater. In the case of this verse, the people who cried out were homeless wonderers. Nothing indicates that they did anything wrong to deserve this plight, so purhaps they were refugees. Whyever they were there, they cried out to God and He rescued them!
We often assume things about God: He’s mad at me, He doesn’t have time for my issues or He’s indifferent to the problems of mankind. No one of these statements could be further from the truth. God has proven repeatdedly through history that He not only cares about us, but that He takes DELIGHT in helping us.
No matter why you’re facing what you are today, cry out to Him. Be honest with Him. Allow Him to intervene in your circumstances today. Think about it!
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