“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.” Psalms 19:1
If you ever doubt the existance of God, go outside! Thousands of species of animals and plants, birds, clear skies, the wonder of a rainstorm, the uniqueness of a snowflake or the power of a thundestorm, right in your front yard and neighborhood! Venture, down the road into a forest or even a desert, and the complex eco system becomes more and more suggestive that Someone has arranged and ordered all of this. Drive long enough and you’re bound to run into a mountain range. The sheer magisty of approching this sight, leaves me with a sence of awe and wonder, but wait until nightfall! The stars begin to shine-thousands upon thousands of them. Galaxies and constellations-all visible to the naked eye, even more impressive through a telescope! Stars and planets, literally seem to hang from the sky on a dark, clear night-all telling a single story: the glory of our Magnificent, Glorious Creator-Savior King, who is GOOD by nature and Who LOVES YOU above all else! The heavens declare God’s glory! The sky-whether night or day are a testament of His handiwork. More powerful, is the thought that all of this was made, in its entirety and complexity, by a single WORD from our Creator God!
If you ever doubt God’s existence, SIMPLY GO OUTSIDE AND LISTEN! Listen to what your heart instinctively tells you! Listen to what nature, itself is telling you! LISTEN-the heavens are screaming of God’s glory! Think about it!
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