About 8 years ago someone came out with a slogan that said “I vote the Book”, meaning I vote by Biblical standards. This seemed to be excellently motivated – after all we should vote for the person whose platform and agenda resembles the Word of God, right? Amazingly, many have found this slogan to be virtually unapplicable in the last two National level elections. Many feel they are voting for the less of 2 evils or voting against someone they don’t agree with in order to keep someone OUT that they agree with even less.
I’d like to speak into this situation.
Even on the national level, we need to remember that our enemy is not “flesh and blood”–its not each other, this party or that, this candidate or that, ITS ULTIMATELY SATAN, THE ENEMY OF OUR SOULS. (Eph. 6:12) As it was with ancient Israel, this enemy is seeking to destroy the USA because, like it or not, our laws and ideals were and are founded on Christian principles that are found in the word of God.
We indeed were born with “certain unalienable rights”, such as the one found in John 1:12. Many of us, however relinquish our rights by failing to act upon them. That’s exactly enemy of our souls, wants! Passitivity and complacency are attutudes that are some of Satan’s favorite tools! With them, he lures us into deception that we are helpless to exercise our God given rights and that among the many people on earth, we don’t matter.
The fact of the matter is that we do matter! Our values matter and our attitudes matter. The God Whom we represent here on earth matters! Seeing and cutting off our real enemy (Jesus has already defeated him on the cross) matters!
I encourage you not to back away from your right to vote , just because of who is running! At the end of the day, GOD’S STILL IN CONTROL AND THE REAL CHANGE MOST OF US DESIRES TO SEE BEGINS IN US! Stand up for your rights-they’re bought and paid for/bled and died for! Your’s is the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Go vote
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