“Remember, Lord , Your compassion and Your faithful love, for they have existed from antiquity. Do not remember the sins of my youth or my acts of rebellion; in keeping with Your faithful love, remember me because of Your goodness, Lord.”
Psalms 25:6-7
Regrets, mistakes, should haves, shouldn’t haves, if onlys . . .are a part of all our pasts!
What’s phenomenal is that while we tend to remember our regrets and mistakes, what God remembers is how much He loved us. While we tend to remember things that we did wrong or wrongs done to us from far back in our childhood, God has NO REGRETS! In verse 6, David states that God’s compassion and faithful love have existed from ANTIQUITY, and that (love and kindness) what He remembers! God LOVE and FORGIVE us before He ever created us! While the tense of that statement is grammatially incorrect, its theologically sound. His love and kindness IS and has been and always will be in the PRESENT tense!
Vs 7, could revelutionize our lives if we’d truely learn to thk this way: “Do not remember the sins . . . remember me because of Your goodness”. David asks God to forget about the mistakes of his youth because he, like us was struggling to forget them. He asks God to remember, and by inference to help HIM (David), remember God’s faithfulness and love instead of the regrets of the past.
The truth is that God doesn’t struggle to forgive us and forget the past, we do! While God delights to display His love to and for us, we often struggle to forgive ourselves and turn from the past.
David, like us, saw daily reminders of his past failures as they passed him in the palace hallways. What I believe David was learning to do was veiw those living reminders as blessings from God’s love and kindnesses instead of collateral damages from his past sins. We need to learn this lesson as well.
God REALLY DOES cause ALL THINGS to work together for GOOD (Romans 8:28). Jesus really does MAKE ALL THINGS NEW (Revelation 21:5)!
Think about it!
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