“Hallelujah! How good it is to sing to our God, for praise is pleasant and lovely. The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem; He gathers Israel’s exiled people. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;.”
Psalms 147:1-3
Psalm 147 was obviously written after the Babylonian exile. It begins with a resounding “Hallelujah!” This word expresses the essence of one the words for “praise”, whose word picture denotes what happens at a football game when the whole team scores! People yelling, cheering, clapping, jumping up and down-hands in the air, whooping, high fiving . . .you get the picture, only this is a church setting where people are cheering loke crazy for God! The psalm then states that its a good and pleasent thing to sing praises to God.
Then in vs. 2, the psalm shifts gears. The writer clearly begins to speak of the return from the Babylonian exhile to Jerusalem (appx 539 bc). Vs 2 states, “The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem; He gathers Israel’s exiled people.”
The next vs is my favorite of the chapter because it speaks to us as much as does to them! “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
The Israelies were a broken people. They had strayed away drom God and had sinned by embracing othet gods, their country had split, their capital city was destroyed, many if them had been exhiled to their conquorer’s land and they were despiritely homesick. They were brokenhearted and wounded, but God had the cure-He healed them! In fact, vs 18 of this chapter says He sent His Word and healed them!
Somedays it seems we are surrounded by struggle, sorrow and evil. But I have incredible news-no matter how far we’ve fallen, no matter how arrogant we’ve become in not wanting to ask God or anyone else for help, no matter how broken and emotioally wounded we’ve become-God STILL HEALS the broken and broken hearted, He still sends His Word to heal us. He’s only waiting on US to PERMIT HIM to do so. Reach out to Him today!
Thk about it
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