“How happy is everyone who fears the Lord , who walks in His ways! You will surely eat what your hands have worked for. You will be happy, and it will go well for you. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house, your sons, like young olive trees around your table. In this very way the man who fears the Lord will be blessed. May the Lord bless you from Zion, so that you will see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life and will see your children’s children! Peace be with Israel.”
Psalms 128:1-6
Psalm 128 was written by King David to be sung as people walked to the temple or tabernacle in Jerusalem. Its a general blessing.
David begins by addressing a basic need of the human heart-happiness. He says in verse 1, you’ll be happy if you revear God in both word and deed. You revear Him because He’s God and your actions prove out that fact-you walk in His ways. You we be rewarded by consuming-enjoying and having it to give-what you’ve worked hard for.
You’ll be happy, fulfilled and confident and your life will go well.
You’ll enjoy your family will see their blessings multiply, both in their happiness and in increase and you’ll get to witness them growing in size, in maturity and in prosparity.
Living according to God’s ways always produces blessings! In visible, tangible ways like these, God’s people will be blessed!
David ends this simple psalm with, “May the Lord bless you from Zion, so that you will see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life and will see your children’s children! Peace be with Israel.” Being from Israel, it was important to them to see Israel being blessed, so he says blessing from Zion/God will come to you and you will see Jerusalem (another word for Zion) prosper, in both your time and your children’s and grand children’s time! May peace be with her (Jerusalem).
The same principle applies to the USA. If we revear God and walk in His ways, it says here that it will go well for us AND those around us!
If its important to you to be happy and prosper personally, in your family and for your nation, God’s word is simple-revear God and behave like you do. You’ll be glad you did.
Think about it!
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