“I will not judge those who hear me but don’t obey me, for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. But all who reject me and my message will be judged on the day of judgment by the truth I have spoken. I don’t speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to say it. And I know his commands lead to eternal life; so I say whatever the Father tells me to say.”
John 12:47-50
Following shouting out to the crowds that Jesus and the Father, Yaweh, Whom the Hebrews had worshipped for centuries, were One and the same and that Jesus’ pupose for coming into the world was to bring light to a dark world (vss 44-46), Jesus continues speaking. He makes it clear that He was not here to judge-that judging would come later. He even says that when judgement comes, on judgement day, that the truth that He spoke, would actually be the judge!
We live in a world today that repeatedly tells use not to judge-in fact, this verse, Matthew 7:1, has overtaken John 3:16 as America’s most quoted verses! Why? Well, plainly put, its because NONE of us like to have our sins exposed and identified! Many, however, who use this verse aren’t too fond of Jesus either! He says VERY PLAINLY here, however, that the TRUTH–those things which He told the people, will ultimately be their judge, not Him!
Jesus then reinterates AGAIN, His Oneness with God, the Father by saying, “I don’t speak on my own authority. The Father who sent Me has commanded Me what to say and how to say it.” Jesus NEVER-not once while on earth, spoke out-of-turn! He ALWAYS represented God!
Jesus ends this thought with, “I know His (the Father’s) commands lead to eternal life; so I say whatever the Father tells me to say.”
God has spoken plainly to us (and them) because Jesus spoke plainly to us! Jesus didn’t come to earth to judge us, rather to SAVE us (vs 47 & John 3:17)!
Think about it!
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