Romans 8:28 “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according
to His purpose.”
OLD THINGS HAVE AWAY-all things have become new! It’s because of Romans 8:22-27 – because of the fact that our Constant Companion, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, CARES ENOUGH ABOUT YOU TO PRAY FOR YOU!!! SOOOOOO, now the verse “we all know: ALL things work together for the good! Or is it, all THINGS work together for the good. . . Or maybe, Or maybe, all things WORK . . . or even, all things work TOGETHER! (Think, ponder or meditate on each of the above).
NO MATTER HOW YOU SLICE IT–WE WIN!!! Why? Because all things work together for the GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE GOD AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE! No matter what comes, no matter how bleak it seems, if our God is everything He claims to be in this chapter of His Word, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can invade our lives, nothing can harm us, nothing can touch us that God is unaware of, taken by surprise by and ultimately not in change of! He LOVES you!
HE RELAYS HIS LOVE thru His Son and the Holy Spirit, Who both PRAY HIS WILL for you!
YOU CAN’T LOSE! Make that your reality today!
Think about it!
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