“Jesus answered, “… And you are clean, though not every one of you.” For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.”
John 13:10-11
So Jesus had just told His disciples, namely Peter that they were ALREADY CLEAN (see John 15:3) because He had already MADE THEM CLEAN!
Jesus, however adds, “‘But not all of you, ‘For He knew who was going to betray Him”‘ . . . Jesus, as God, knew everything. He knew all about how His crucifixion would come down. He knew the heart of all of His discples–both the good and the bad! He knew Judas was a money-hungry thief, who would sell Him out later that night. (John 12:4-6)
John, the now elderly writer then adds, “and that was why He said not every one was clean.”
So the question remains, how could Judas hang out with Jesus for 3 1/2 years, listen to His teaching, witness His miracles and not be committed to Him?
Well, for starters, it was obvious that Judas had his own adgenda. He again, took full advantage of helping himself to Jesus and His disciple’s money, as he was the treasurer. He obviously loved money more than Jesus, because at this point in the story, he’s already arranged to have sold Jesus put to the religious leaders for 30 pieces of silver, the price for a household slave (Matt 26:15), to the point that money was probably an idol in his life. Though an argument could be made that he really never could have believed, since the Bible prophesied Jesus’ betrayal (Zch. 11:12-13), by the same token, it could equally be said that Judas, as did the other disciples, had every opportunity to believe, yet CHOSE (in an act of exercising his free will), NOT to BELIEVE, preferring HIS life, HIS wealth and HIS agenda over Christ’s.
REGARDLESS, from this story we learn that it IS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE to be around the church, and even Jesus Himself, and still not be saved!
Choosing to follow Jesus is a eternal decision–its also a daily decision!
Make SURE you’ve chosen Jesus today!
Think about it!
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