“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Is God even listening when I pray? Ansolutely! We sometimes feel like God’s not listening or doesn’t care or isn’t paying attention to our prayers. The fact is that God is usually WAITING ON US! This “formula” that we’ve seen from II Chron. 7:14, really works! When we, God’s people, who bear HIS Name–CHRISTians–humble ourselves, realizing we can’t fix ourselves or situations, by ourselves, then PRAY & SEEK GOD, THEN He hears from Heaven, forgives our sin and heals!
I believe that so many times, God, our Heavenly Father, sits and waits for us to come to the end of ourselves and turn to Him. We try to fix, work, manipulate & buy our way out of our problems , when all along, God holds the solution! I sometimes wonder how much time, frustration and money I could save, if I simply turned to Jesus in every situation in life FIRST, instead of when all of my efforts have FAILED?
I love worship! I love to worship! I love leading others in worship! I love just sitting alone with God, worshipping Him and taking in His goodness. I believe, however, my greatest act of worship is my realization and declaration of the fact that I NEED HIM, every moment of every day for every breath and in every situation! I have found that as I work WITH Him, not ahead, behind or instead of Him, but WITH Him, in every moment, for every situation, that I’m truely worshipping Him!
God loves you! He longs to answer and even converse with you! He has and is the solution for everything you find yourself involved in and experiencing today. He’s waiting for you. Set aside your pride and independance and cry out to Him today! He’ll answer, forgive and heal you!
Think about it!
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