“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you”
Matthew 6:33
What are you chasing? One of the largest financial institutions in the United States has a commercial that, though its a play on words, admits that they and we are all chasing money and all that it can buy. Let’s call it what it is – we as Americans are extremely greedy! The people, however, that Jesus was speaking to in Matthew 5, 6 and 7 we’re not greedy – they were extremely poor. If you read the verses that precede this one, Jesus talks about not being obsessed by what you’re going to wear or what you going to eat. They lived “hand to mouth” so they often were just getting by.
Though our circumstances are different than Jesus’ audience that day, His advice would be the same to us now. In short, SEEK GOD FIRST! Seek His kingdom first! Seek His will first, and all these things: food, clothes, position, status, cars, houses – ALL we chase, will be added to you!
We tend to chase what is temporary – God chases what is eternal! He invites us to abandon our chase and join His! At the end, all that we possess in this life – houses, cars and possessions, all will be left behind when we leave this earth. What God asks us to seek first will be ours for eternity! Don’t spend your whole life only focusing on what God’s already promised to provide for you- pursue Him, His will and His righteousness! He promises to add your needs to His supply as well!
Think about it!
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