He’s the CREATOR!
The first few verses of the Bible, catch God creating!
They say, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” Genesis 1:1-3 WHEN? The BEGINNING of time! WHO? God, in all 3 of His roles–Father, Son and Holy Spirit are present for the occassion! God designs–He has a specific model in mind before Jesus, the ‘Word of God’ (John 1:1-5), speaks and the Holy Spirit, Who in this passage we find “hovering” above the darkness, moves and creation happens! 1st light (vss 3-5), then sky (vs 8), then land, sea & vegetation (vss 9-12), then the sun, moon & stars (vss 14-18), then fish and evrything in the ocean and birds (vss 20-21), then land animals of every kind (vss 24-25) and finally, humans (vss 26-27)! God pronounced His creation as “GOOD” and blesses them, telling them to multiply by reproducing!
God, the Creator, is acknowleged as such by David in Psalm 146, and is identified as the Maker of Heaven and Earth” and as “One Who keeps His promises”! The Apostle Paul, while preaching in Athens, says of God, “He is the God who made the world and everything in it” and that it is “in him we live and move and exist.” (Act 17:24 & 28)
God not only is the Originator of life, but He our purpose for life!
If your life lacks meaning and purpose today, its a great time to get acquanted with your Creator! Just call out to Him today!
Think about it!
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