Unless the Lord builds a house, its builders labor over it in vain; unless the Lord watches over a city, the watchman stays alert in vain. In vain you get up early and stay up late, working hard to have enough food — yes, He gives sleep to the one He loves.” Psalms 127:1-2
Psalms 127 was written by King David’s son, King Solomon. Solomon, upon taking the throne, was told by God to ask for anything he wanted and God would give it to him. He could have asked for money, fame, fortune, women . . .whatever he wanted, but he asked for wisdom to rule God’s people with and God gave it to him. Solomon’s reputation was that he was the wisest man on earth! God was so impressed at how he answered that He also made him the richest man on earth! Among other things, he built the temple that Israel worshipped in, which was valued at $22,199,076,000, by today’s terms! That’s a lot of temple!
But in Psalms 127, Solomon lays down some of his wisdom that is still relovent for us today. He says the same thing 3 ways:
1. If the house you’re building isn’t being built by God, you’re work is in vain! In other words, we can work and build all we want, but if God’s favor is not in it, eventually, we’ll lose it!
2. The watchman on the city wall, guarding the city while it sleeps, can stay awake and watch, warn of approching danger and even fight on our behalf, but if God doesn’t protect us with His favor, they do all that in vain because without God’s favor, we will fall anyway!
3. You can work day and night–get up early to work and work until late, working, working, working to have enough, but without God’s favor, you’ll be poor anyway.
Wonderfully, Solomon than shows us HOW God wants to favor us–vs 2 ends with: “yes, He gives sleep to the one He loves.” Properly translated, that could read, “Yes, He gives such things to His loved ones while they sleep”. (HCSB translation note)
Here’s the point: you can live life your way, do everything “right” and then some, to BUILD a
reputation for yourself, GUARD what you’ve built and your family by yourself and WORK, like a dog, day and night to aquire everything that you have for and by yourself, without God, but eventually lose all of it OR you can REST with God’s favor upon you and let God give you ALL of these things Himself! You’re choice!
Remember Matthew 6:19-34? Jesus said, instead of seeking to supply our needs by our own means, that if we’ll “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, than ALL THESE THINGS will be ADDED unto you”!
If God is your priority, you’ll soon realize that you’ve been His priority all along!
Think about it!
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