“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When the Lord restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!” Psalm 14:1 & 7
After 70 years of life and reigning for 40 of them as king , Psalm 14:1 is David’s conclusion: it takes a fool to assume there is no God.
It takes a fool to look upon a wonderfully ordered creation, created and funtioning in its complexity, to still say, “there’s no God”. It takes a fool to see the vast numbers of people who have called out to God and have had been miraculously delivered, saved or rescued without any other soluble exclamation, and to still say “there is no God”. It is a fool, who has witnessed first hand the works of God and to still dismiss His existance.
The reality is that in its original language, the text literally reads, “a fool has said in his heart, ‘no God'”. The truth is that this fool is really not saying that there is no God, his or her heart is really saying, “no” to God!
God has more than proven Himself to mankind and truthfully, He’s more than proven Himself to each of us, yet many still resist Him, desiring to maintain control over own lives! The Bible calls us a fool.
Thankfully, David’s prayer in verse 7, was and is answered in the coming of Jesus Christ. He prayed, “Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion”, and He did, through, Jesus Christ!
How about you? Maybe life’s treated you poorly and you’ve doubted God on more than one occasion. Crack open the door to your heart today and give God a chance to really prove Himself to you today. He did so at the cross and He will again for you!
Think about it!
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