“Listen to my words, Lord; consider my sighing. Pay attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for I pray to You. At daybreak, Lord , You hear my voice; at daybreak I plead my case to You and watch expectantly.”
Psalms 5:1-3
Psalm 5 was written by David out of the struggle of facing an enemy. At sunrise he prays this prayer, “listen to me, Lord. Pay attention to my cry, for I plead my case before you and I watch for your answer expectantly” (my paraphrase). David did more than cry out to God, complain to God and talk to God-David, as he prayed, LISTENED for God and EXPECTED God to answer him. David watched EXPECTANTLY for God’s answer.
Often, when I pray, I know and believe God is ABLE to respond and act on my behalf, but often doubt that He’s WILLING to respond or even interested in my problem! In those instances, I almost always come up with a “plan B”-sort of a default plan to help God out concerning my issue, just in case He can’t answer or is busy with someone else! That’s not faith-faith is not only believing God CAN answer me, its believing God WILL answer me! Jesus noticed the Roman Centerian’s faith in Luke 7:9, saying that this foreigner-a commander in Israel’s opponant’s army had more faith in Jesus than Jesus had seen from anyone he had met in all of Isreal! Why? The Centerian just assumed Jesus would answer his prayer and heal his daughter, knowing that Jesus was his only hope for healing his baby girl. Based on having observed Jesus’ character, he simply ASSUMED Jesus would act on his behalf!
King David was often in preciduments where was no way out-he knew that he didn’t just often need God’s help, but that he ALWAYS needed God’s help!
Ask God to help you with your difficulties today. Admit to Him that you need His help and then don’t try to help Him, but try assuming that he’ll help you! EXPECT Him to answer and then watch and listen for Him to do so!
Think about it!
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